Goody Two Shoes is a Horrible Mother!!!!

I have had the flu which is why I have not made any posts lately. I've also been fighting off a bout of depression these past few days. Depression is something I have struggled with before. I am determined not to let it take over again. I have noticed a lack of interest in things I used to enjoy or should still be enjoying. If it continues I will start taking medication again.

On the spy front my goody two shoes neighbor who attends church twice a week and who's husband smokes pot while surfing porn in there home office had a secret exposed this weekend. It seems she has an adult daughter from a prior marriage. A daughter who is now 25 years old and who spent the early part of her twenties working as a stripper. She just lost what would have been a very lucrative job after having just recovered from being homeless and shacking up with any man willing to put a roof over her head. It seems once she got on her feet she became determined to fall off of them again.

Goody Two Shoes' daughter showed up in an old car with worn red paint and a front end that looked to be half hanging off. The 25 year old girl was bone thin with breathtaking blond hair all the way to her waist and a mouth full of rotten stubs where her teeth used to be. She arrived with her personal belongings in garbage bags in the back seat and had a beautiful little boy who may have been 5 with curly chestnut hair and big blue eyes with her. I'm assuming it was her son.

The two fought and argued on the front lawn in front of the entire neighborhood. Goody Two Shoes current husband tried several times to interrupt his wife as she shouted horrible things to the poor girl who finally got back into her car and left in tears.

I used my super ears to listen in on the conversation Goody Two Shoes had with her husband in the back yard later. Her husband criticized her for treating her daughter so badly and tried to convince her that she could have stayed in there spare room. She hushed him by insisting that her daughter would have tried to seduce him the same way she tried to seduce her own father.

No wonder her daughter has been so messed up. First she was sexually abused by her father and then blamed for it by her mother.

By the way if you want to see some ridiculously huge boobs.
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